Lung Ambition Awards
Application Process
The application process consists of an application package, which requires the following:
Letter of Intent
A summary of the proposed research (maximum of 2 pages, single-spaced, maximum of 4 supporting figures or tables).
An impact statement, which addresses the potential of the project to exert a sustained, powerful, influence on the research field(s) involved and how this work will reduce lung cancer incidence, reduce mortality, or improve patient quality of life. The statement should explicitly describe how the project will promote major advancement in lung cancer research, aiming to accelerate and focus the knowledge gained from scientific findings, in the short- to medium- term, into outcomes such as optimized patient care, improved treatment, or reduced burden.
A public, non-scientific summary (up to 500 words).
Budget – including justification for supplies, equipment, and personnel associated with the research project. This must include the number of personnel required to complete the work, a description of their experience and/or education level, and their commitment to the project. If your project is part of a larger initiative, please list the other sources of funding. However, the portion of the project proposed in this grant should not be covered by other sources of funding. Please note: Indirect costs** are NOT eligible expenses.
The names of the investigator(s) and CCVs for the PI and any co-PIs.
A statement of support from the applicant’s institution with confirmation that the proposed research is feasible in that institution.
Eligibility Criteria
The focus of the research should be lung cancer within the following areas:
Research into early detection lung cancer methodologies, including but not limited to screening, incidental pulmonary nodules OR blood-based testing. Early detection research among those not meeting current screening criteria would be welcomed.
Research into ways in which institutions/systems can improve the timeliness and/or coordination of care along the lung cancer patient pathway
Research into ways to address disparities and improve equity in lung cancer care
The competition will be open to projects across the spectrum of clinicians and researchers that
touch Lung Cancer
The Research Committee has the discretion to allocate quantity of funds and number of awards
granted based on the submissions received. The maximum amount granted is $50K per
Each applicant will be limited to 1 submission per PI. Individuals can be co-Investigators on
multiple submissions.
Each submission must be sent via the submission form on the Lung Cancer Canada Website on the template; no application shall be accepted if it is not submitted via the application form.
Conference/travel support will be limited to $1000.
Each application must contain a clear statement of any other agencies to which the proposal has
been sent. Other support expected or received should be documented.
Where a centre has equipment that can be used in support of the study, requests for such funding should not be included in the application unless they are above and beyond the standard of care (e.g. CT- scans, biomarker testing, if that is usually available within the centre etc.)
Successful applicants are required to submit a progress report twelve months after the award is made and to submit their findings for presentation at a Canadian conference prior to publication elsewhere.
Proposals will be reviewed and recommended for funding on the basis of high scientific merit, feasibility, and relevance to the Canadian Lung Cancer community.
Funds successfully awarded must be spent within Canada, but proposals may involve more than one centre. Candidates must identify a host institution in Canada that will receive and administer the funds.
Residents and fellows are welcome to apply. In the application form, please identify one of the co-investigators (C I) as the Co- PI, who will be mentoring the resident/fellow during the project.